Community-based Vision Rehabilitation Services for people with vision impairment or blindness in the state of Maine

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Cheerful blind man holding book and stroking assistance dog, enjoying life

Cheerful blind man holding book and stroking assistance dog, enjoying life

Are you or a loved one hoping to remain independent at home due to loss of vision? 

The Iris Network can help. A Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT) will come to your home to support you in remaining independent.

The goal of Rehabilitation Services is to evaluate what is needed, based on vision loss to allow the individual to continue to carry on the functions necessary to maintain the level of independence desired.  An individualized program may include one or more than one of the following components:

Vision Rehabilitation Therapy: Our certified teachers address multiple areas of learning:

  • Communications:

    Assistance with learning adaptive methods in all areas of communications including large print, audio, and Braille.  CVRT’s provide instruction in accessing calendars, check registers, address books, low vision/contrast materials, recording devices, guides for writing checks, addressing envelopes, writing correspondence, etc.

  • Adaptive Kitchen Skills:

    Training is provided to promote independence and safety in using the stove/oven and in all aspects of meal preparation such as using knives, measuring, pouring, reading recipes, timing foods, and labeling kitchen supplies.

  • Home Management:

    Training in this area may include adaptations for doing laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, sewing, ironing, shopping, and maintaining safety in the home.

  • Personal Management:

    Areas of need may include labeling clothing, identifying medication, time telling, and care of self and others.

  • Recreation:

    Assisting individuals in adapting their leisure/recreational pursuits and resources/information on new recreational opportunities such as adaptive knitting or crocheting, hand and machine sewing, cribbage, bingo, woodworking, descriptive videos, talking books, etc.

Low Vision Devices:

Sometimes in conjunction with the Low Vision Clinic and sometimes as a separate component, we can demonstrate a variety of video magnifiers.  Information on the purchase of these magnifiers is available.

For more information contact our Information and Referral Coordinator (207) 774.6273