The Iris Network staff and board are thinking about you and all of our clients at this challenging time. We do hope you and your families are safe and free of any illness. 

Out of an abundance of caution and due to the health of some of the clients we serve, The Iris Network is continuing to take the precautionary measure of having non-service staff work remotely based on the CDC’s recommendation of social isolation. Currently, as of March 20, 2020, community and center-based staff will continue to serve clients under modified conditions, using technology while following CDC guidelines regarding clients over 60 years of age. Our administrative building at 189 Park Avenue in Portland is closed temporarily and all staff are able to work productively from home. We will continue to monitor the situation and update the public and our clients. 

Further, Iris Park Apartments (IPA), our supportive housing facility in Portland is still fully serving residents but is closed to the public to ensure, to the best of our ability, that the Coronavirus illness does NOT infect our IPA residents, administrator or support staff. 

All contact information will remain the same (207) 774-6273 or and staff will be remotely ready to respond to each phone call and email during normal business hours (8:00am-4:00pm). Thank you for your understanding of our efforts to protect those we serve (consumers), staff, and our community.