Non-24 Hour Sleep Wake Disorder
Zoom (video) presentation
Wednesday, January 27 at 3:00pm

Non 24 hour sleep wake disorder refers to a steady pattern of one- to two-hour delays in sleep onset and wake times in people with normal living conditions. This occurs because the period of the person’s sleep-wake cycle is longer than 24 hours. The condition most commonly affects people who are blind, due to an impaired sense of light-dark cycles.

Shauna Jatho, RN and Vicki Preddy, RN, Nurse Educators with Vanda Pharmaceuticals, are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting to learn about and explore the topic of Non-24 Hour Sleep Wake Disorder! No need to RSVP, just mark your calendar for January 27 at 3:00pm and click on Zoom link below.

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