NaviTour partnered with the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Rehab Services’ Division for the Blind & Visually Impaired to provide training in “Considerations and Strategies for Working with Blind and Low Vision Individuals” to our guides who received a certificate and are ready to lead experiences for the blind and visually impaired. The Division recommended we share this information with your organization so you can share with your constituents.

Our guides who completed the certification:

Alice Bean Andrenyak

Alice Bean Andrenyak
Forest Bathing, Sea Kayaking, Hiking,
Snowshoeing, Stand-up Paddle Boarding

Dan Gardoqui

Dan Gardoqui
Birding, Foraging,
Hiking, Tracking

Eric Nathanson

Eric Nathanson
Rowing, Biking

Leslie Gregory

Leslie Gregory
Sea Kayaking, Hiking

If you don’t see something that jumps out at you – fill out this form and we will workshop it with our guides who will put something custom together for you!

More guides are registered for the next certification session and we will be updating as they graduate. We are also expanding into the rest of New England and will continue this work as we expand so be sure to check back to see new experiences.

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested in these experiences. We really appreciate your support!

Thank you so much!
Contact us! (207) 200-5149