Impact Report, Winter 2021

Complete newsletter in PDF Format

From our Executive Director

It is an understatement to say that the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed drastic changes to everyone’s daily schedules. We have all had to adjust and adapt through changing regulations and guidance as the virus exponentially infected individuals across our country. While the virus is still present, The Iris Network has had opportunities to overcome the obstacles it imposed—thanks to you and everyone who is a part of our community.

The Iris Network has never stopped providing our service to individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Simply put, failure to provide these services is not an option.

Our staff embraced the challenges brought on by the virus and found creative new approaches. We are utilizing new technologies, new interpretations of traditional lessons, and even donning PPE for more intimate interactions.

This learning process has been enlightening and brought out the best in our staff. So, I take this moment to recognize each of them for their unique gifts, willingness to keep pushing and thinking creatively. Our staff’s resilience is the reason why so many Mainers and even many from other states are receiving our ongoing service during the pandemic.

And not only our staff—many of you continued supporting us professionally and financially. If not for your  ongoing contributions, our story would certainly be different. For this and all you do for The Iris Network and our clients, I want to thank you.

At this time in our history  we are pushing through adversity, because our service is worthwhile and the changes it can help provide for an individual who is blind or visually impaired is profound.

We appreciate each of you for your contributions before, during, and after this pandemic.


Dr. David Barnwell
Dr. David Barnwell President/Executive Director

We are pleased to report that residents living at Iris Park Apartments in a level I assisted living facility in Portland (one of seven in Maine) and staff supporting them, have received their first and second COVID-19 vaccination shots.

Never alone, thanks to you!

How your gifts help our CVRTs  adapt during the pandemic.

Iris Network Rehabilitation Teacher

As a valued donor, you provide our neighbors with vision loss the support and education needed to flourish independently. And no one has a first-hand view of your impact on our communities quite like The Iris Network’s Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (CVRTs). Especially now, during this time of quarantine and further isolation, it is so important that our work continue.

Your support of The Iris Network allows our CVRTs and support staff to—while donning the proper PPE and taking safety precautions— teach and guide consumers of visually impaired services so they can live independently in their own homes.

Iris Network Rehabilitation Teacher at work

Here are some inspiring quotes from our CVRTs about how home rehabilitation is flourishing in the face of adversity.

“At first, I was concerned about keeping the clients safe. I soon realized most clients were concerned about keeping me safe! My clients have shared that they appreciate us protecting them and the adjustments we’ve made to still be able to provide services as easily as possible!” -Aisha, CVRT

“I have a client who is in assisted living, so in-person visits were not an option for a while. Over the phone, we worked together on using a tablet for emails, news, books, and web browsing. Her son worried that the overworked facility staff didn’t have time to monitor her progress. When we were finally able to do a safe, distanced visit, she demonstrated how she was successfully reading emails and searching the web. After I shared this with her son, her family felt renewed confidence that she was enjoying her device and even reading the online subscription they had given her to a local paper. I’m so pleased that what we do can and does still work!” -Karen, CVRT

“I have learned innovative ways to continue to reach out to my clients in need of adaptive learning styles, while still keeping them safe.

We can have lessons on lighting under shaded areas outside. We’ve worked on labeling and magnification in garages during the winter, so that I’m not directly in someone’s living space. I’ve learned to be more descriptive and precise when providing phone lessons. The Iris Network has learned that we are strong, flexible, and viable in the face of adversity.”

-Kim, VRT-A

At The Iris Network, our aspirational saying is, ‘Vision with no limits.’ You truly make these words come to life and help us work through the impossible! Thank you!

Thank You – for all the ways you empower your neighbors with vision loss!

You, our donors, along with generous grant-makers and sponsors, allow us to reach consumers of blind or visually impaired services in the comfort and safety of their own homes throughout the State of Maine.

Your contributions help those with vision loss during these difficult times brought on by the pandemic. For this and all you do, I want to take a moment to thank you for supporting our services and advocating for our neighbors who are blind or visually impaired!

The following foundations have awarded grants for general operations, in support of our services during the pandemic.

The Gibney Family Foundation | Camden National Bank | Leaders & Luminaries (in honor of Doris Denee) | Simmons Foundation | Portland Provident Association (in honor of Charlie Prinn) | American Council of the Blind (in honor of Pat Monahan) | Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust (in honor of Charlie Prinn) | Falmouth Lions Club | Fisher Charitable Trust | Libra Foundation | Sarah K. DeCoizart | Helen and George Ladd Charitable Corporation | Sam L. Cohen Foundation | Maine Communication Foundation – Maine Charity Fund | United States Adaptive Blind Association | PhRMA | People’s United Community Foundation | Eunice Frye Home Foundation

The sponsors and staff listed below supported our first virtual event—the 25th Annual White Cane Walk for Independence (produced by Groff Video)!

Maine Arts Commission | Maine Bicentennial Committee | Vanda Pharmaceuticals | Falmouth Lions Club | Rowe Ford – Westbrook | Norway Savings Bank | Healey and Associates | GHM Insurance | Tru Choice Federal Credit Union | Northeast Delta Dental | Baker Newman Noyes | Maine Eye | Albin Randall & Bennett, CPAs | Gardner Real Estate Group | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care | Amica | Avesta Housing | Five Maples | Pihcintu (chorus featured in a United Nations High Commission for Refugees video) | Herb Adams, Historian | Dr. David Barnwell, President/Executive Director, The Iris Network | Sara Nicols, Vision Rehabilitation Therapist Assistant, The Iris Network | Regal Naseef, Director of Development, The Iris Network and PR Chair of the Maine Lions

Thanks to you, in fiscal year 2020, we provided:

Community-based Blindness Rehabilitation Services to 551 people who are blind or visually impaired in Maine.

Supportive housing services (24/7) to 35 residents of Iris Park Apartments in Portland.

Employment-readiness training to 9 students (from Maine and New York) in our Rehabilitation Center.

Access technology and job coaching to 20 employees/interns.

Demo days for 19 people to explore devices to improve daily functioning – in partnership with New England Low Vision.

213 people were served with appointments or to purchase devices in our Low Vision Center.

Service to a total of 833 people, who are blind or visually impaired, for 9900 hours.

Vehicles for Vision!

Not all generous gifts to The Iris Network can fit in an envelope!

Vehicles for Vision

Recently, we received a donation — a 1997 Buick LeSabre with 79,000 miles — from a 97-year-old supporter!

This gentleman had no longer been driving and decided to donate the Buick to The Iris Network. With the help of the Falmouth Lions Club, the car was sold. The generous donor received a tax deduction for his gift, and the money from the sale was used to enrich our services for Mainers with vision loss. That’s a win-win!

If you or someone you know has a car, truck, or van in working order that you’d like to donate, please consider our Vehicles for Vision program! There are so many ways you can help The Iris Network change the lives of those with visual impairment.

Contact our Director of Development, Regal Naseef, at (207) 518-5016 or for more information!

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