United States Census 2020


It’s important or the U.S. 2020 Census to get an accurate count of Americans. This will drive allocation of enormous amounts of federal funding that advances the missions of many nonprofits including The Iris Network to support people who are blind or visually impaired. The census also plays a critical role in political redistricting, which could change the balance of power in many communities.

Most households received their invitation to respond to the 2020 Census between March 12-20. These official Census Bureau mailings will include detailed information and a Census ID for completing the Census online. In addition to an invitation to respond, some households will receive a paper questionnaire (sometimes known as the census form). You do not need to wait for your paper questionnaire to respond to the Census. Please complete your census form online, by phone, or by mail when your invitation to respond arrives. If a household does not respond to the 2020 Census, a census taker will follow up in person to collect their response. This will occur between May-July.

For more information or to respond online

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