Fran Kelley

Picture of Fran Kelley

The 2020 Alfred Allen Award winner is Fran Kelley!

Fran Kelley, COMS, director of program services at The Iris Network has always been a valuable asset providing extraordinary direct care to our clients through Orientation and Mobility services. She has helped strategize and implement changes needed to bring The Iris Network to higher levels of excellence, managing staff to provide stellar services for our clients. Truly, she embodies the essence of the Alfred Allen Award to enhance direct service to people who are visually impaired. Congratulations Fran!

Alfred Allen Award
The Alfred Allen Award was established by American Association of Workers for the Blind (AAWB), one of two predecessor organizations to the Association for Education and Rehabilitation (AER), to honor professionals who have spent their careers in direct service to people with visual impairments. Through the extent and quality of the services that they have provided, these professionals exemplify the character, dedication, insight, and sharing that epitomize the spirit of and commitment to direct service.