NON-24 – a circadian rhythm disorder 


Mark your calendar: THIS Wednesday, April 27 at 3:00pm 

Learn about symptoms to benefit people who are blind
(meeting to be held via Zoom)

  • Non-24 Sleep Wake Disorder is a serious chronic disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind – many may not even know that have it.
  • Non-24 can affect people who are sighted and those with low vision as well.
  • Non-24 disrupts a person’s circadian rhythms leading to a constant daily shift in the times when their body expects to sleep and be awake.
  • Shifts in sleep and wake times cause problems for people when they try to go to sleep at night, try to stay asleep, and when they’re awake.

Vicki Preddy, RN, Nurse Educator with Vanda Pharmaceuticals will be leading the session and available to answer your questions.

R.S.V.P. to Regal at The Iris Network:

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