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A new series of workshops we’ve recently launched is getting a lot of buzz.

It’s entitled Adjusting to Vision Loss and covers some really important topics:

•         Coming to grips with your own situation

•         Talking with others about your vision

•         Asking for help (and turning it down, too)

•         Becoming a supportive partner when a loved one faces vision impairment

The series is narrated by Douglas Walker, a member of the Hadley management team who himself has a form of macular degeneration. The topic is a sensitive one, so we were delighted to see feedback like this:

“Just hearing that others think and feel similar to me and the challenges we initially feel is helpful. Thank you for providing that.” – Nancie from British Columbia

“It helped me tap into my grief, which I’ve not expressed or admitted.” – Karen from New York

“Loved everything about this. I want to share with every client I have or will have.” – Chelsea, a low vision professional from Florida

Check out the series for yourself

For more information, contact: Kirby Lindgren, Director of Professional Outreach at 847-784-2766 | Kirby.Lindgren@Hadley.edu

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